Exciting News: Bee Connection Assistance Now Available at Hobee!

Do you want bees? If yes we are here to help. Collection only bees available in London. We can even assemble a beehive and put bees in them for you to collect.

We’re thrilled to share that we’re here to support you in your beekeeping journey every step of the way! At HOBEE UK, not only do we offer top-quality beehives, but we’re also committed to ensuring you have everything you need to get started with your buzzing companions.

To make your beekeeping experience seamless and enjoyable, we’re excited to offer assistance in connecting you with local beekeepers right here in London! These experienced beekeepers are ready to provide you with the bees you need to fill your new hives.

Here’s how it works:

You email us at sales@hobee.co.uk and tell us how many nucleus you need. We will tell you whether there is any bees available from local beekeepers for your purchase  or not If the answer is yes we will share the sellers details with you straight away. Good news. There are 6 overwintered colonies available now in North London for collection (2 national nucleus and 4 12×14 nucleus. They are 5 frame nucleus).


The bees are available for purchase on a collection-only basis, meaning you’ll have the delightful opportunity to meet your new colony in person! Whether you prefer to take your bees in a convenient correx carrier boxes (green boxes you see below) or would like to transfer them directly into your own beehives, the choice is yours.  Bees can come in 5 or 6 frames.  You can discuss these with the beekeeper who is selling the bees. You must make sure to check the queen is in the box you are buying.


Our beekeepers offer a variety of options, including bees housed in 12×14 nucleus boxes or national boxes. When connecting with the beekeepers, you can discuss your preferences, including the size of frames that best suit your needs.

Please note that while we’re dedicated to facilitating this connection, we don’t handle pricing or after-sales matters. Once connected with the beekeepers, it’s up to you to negotiate and address any post-purchase inquiries directly with them. Our role is simply to connect you with your buzzing companions and ensure a smooth transition into your beekeeping adventure.

Ready to take the next step in your beekeeping journey? Reach out to us today to learn more about connecting with local beekeepers and bringing your beehive to life with a vibrant colony of bees!

Thank you for choosing HOBEE as your partner in beekeeping bliss. Let’s create a world abuzz with joy and sustainability together!


Bees and the Law

Honey bees have long presented legal challenges, stemming from their dual nature as wild creatures and creatures managed by beekeepers. Recent legislation has brought them into various legal frameworks due to their production of honey. These notes aim to introduce beekeepers to legal areas relevant to their activities, with a strong recommendation to seek professional advice promptly if needed.

Bees and Neighbours: Landowners have the right to reasonable use of their property, but cannot unreasonably interfere with their neighbours’ enjoyment. The Environment Act 1990 identifies keeping animals in a manner prejudicial to health or causing a nuisance as a statutory nuisance, allowing complaints to local authorities or Magistrate’s Courts, which can issue abatement orders.

Ownership of Swarms: If bee swarms settle on someone else’s land, ownership transfers to the landowner. Beekeepers have no legal right to enter another’s land to retrieve a swarm without permission. If permission is granted, ownership transfers to the beekeeper.

Insurance: While not mandatory, beekeepers are strongly advised to have Public Liability Insurance.

Bee Diseases and Pest Control: Owners or caretakers of hives must report known or suspected notifiable diseases or pests to the Secretary of State, typically by informing the local bee inspector. Currently, notifiable bee diseases include American Foul Brood and European Foul Brood, along with sightings of the Asian Hornet.

Feeding the bees: Typically, spring and early summer are optimal for feeding bees in the UK. As bees emerge from winter dormancy during this period, they require nourishment to regain strength and kickstart hive activity.