Ventilated, flat metal roof (Pine) solid, 4″, heavy roof for national beehive


Flat metal roof

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Product Description

Solid flat metal roof for national beehives

Made of Anatolian cedar wood

About 8 kg

Great smell of cedar

external dimensions 52×52

Internal dimensions to fit national beehives (around 47×47)

What is so special about Cedarwood? 

Turkish Cedar (scientific term is Cedrus Libani) is an ancient and highly prized tree variety, renowned for its longevity, valued for its toughness and versatility. This historic symbol of fruitfulness and strength originate in the Levant, with those Cedars on the slopes of Mt. Lebanon believed to be around 2,500 years old. The oldest Cedar Tree in the UK is thought to be in Highgate Wood, London (300 years old).

Sustainability: An ethical corporation.

The Cedarwood for our beehives is harvested from the legendary Taurus Mountains where many people believe Santa Claus (St Nicholas) originated. Each timber purchased is officially checked for sustainability purposes before reaching our manufacturing plant. We pride ourselves as an ethically aware, environmentally conscious supplier. We never buy timber unless we personally have verified the source and checked the credentials of the supplier.

Additional Information

Weight 8 kg
Dimensions 52 × 52 × 52 cm
Package Size

2 sets (20), 3 sets (30)